

Winter scene; snow-covered trees

Settling in for Winter

Though the first winter storm is only a threat, for many of us it is a not-too-distant memory of last year or the year before that. This long video-story by Henry Briggs, linked below from the NHF archive, wraps together much of the lore around winter season activity, with a touch of humor and some

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Memorial to Veterans in Lubec, Maine

Veteran’s Day 1970

The month of November can be a time of reflection as we put away summer and head into winter. Veteran’s Day is a moment to remember the hardships of loss as we move toward Thanksgiving, a time to remember our history, and prepare for the future. Here is a news clip of the 1970 parade

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Bristol, Maine

Election Day

Election day is always exciting, and the news media reports here captured some of that among the very young and those experiencing the process for the first time. These clips and many more of the political campaigns of the past 50 years are part of the news collections being digitized with

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Hunting Season

As winter approaches so does hunting season for certain sorts of game. Here is a news report provided in November more than 50 years ago that includes a reference to recent heavy snowfall and a healthy deer population. And here are some other reports for earlier in the season, and for other sorts of

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autumn leaves and carriage road bridge

Tourism Seasons

As the summer season ends and the leaf-peeping season gathers momentum, the state’s residents might need to take some time to remember what it is others find so wonderful about visiting the region. Here is a public service announcement from 50 years ago singing, literally, the praises of Maine. There are others, too, being

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empty bleachers

American Football

Football and cheering from the bleachers are common weekend activities that carry over into Monday morning, and the rest of the the week during the autumn season. The news reports from 50 years ago are full of interviews with players and coaches, parents and supporters, all with things to say. Here are a few of

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