Stock Footage & Research Requests
Reuse of moving and still images, including those found on the Northeast Historic Film Website, requires permission. We can help you select material for your project or production.
To begin the process, please do your own preliminary research here on our website at: Online Collections. For assistance or to order screeners, please email us.
We charge usage fees based on our ownership of the physical materials and ability to provide access to the intellectual content.

Stock Footage Services and Rates
The first half-hour of research is always free. Additional research is $65 per hour.
Technical Services
Technical services, such as preparation of reference copies or masters, are $65 per hour plus the cost of any delivery material, such as external drives or DVDs. Labor is billed in 15 minute increments. If it is necessary to go to an outside vendor for duplication, laboratory, or facility, it will be specified by NHF. All costs of duplication must be paid by client.
The cost of a screener is a $25 base fee plus a per file fee based on the format of the requested item.
Digital file: $5
DVD: $10
Beta SP: $15
3/4″ Umatic: $25
16mm reel: $0.25 per foot ($35 minimum)
8mm or Super 8mm reel: $0.35 per foot ($35 minimum)
Usage Fees
A minimum charge of 30 seconds applies to all projects. In some cases this fee may be waived and a new per-second rate or flat fee can be negotiated. No license for use is given or implied with purchase of screener. Streaming links or copies of completed works must be submitted to NHF for verification of usage. Master footage will not be released until payment is received.
To purchase rights for dissemination to more than one market, compute the highest rate first. Additional outlets are available at 50% of listed per-second rate.
Regional productions may be eligible for a discount on use fees. Please inquire for more information.
Use Fees Per Second, Per Project:
Broadcast (TV, Cable, Satellite)
Local $20
North America $25
Worldwide $35
Local $25
National $50
Worldwide $80
Theatrical Release Only
DVD/Blu-ray Only
500 or less (local, single source sale) $20
500+ (wholesale, multiple sales outlets) $35
Internet, Streaming video
Web use $40
Streaming service $50
Educational, Corporate, Museum display $15
All Rights, All Media
Whole program use: Please Call
Other Uses: Please Call
Contact us at:
Screen Credit
Unless a waiver is received, the completed work must carry the following credit:
Northeast Historic Film, _________________ Collection.