New Year Pause
The start of a new year allows everyone to take a moment for a fresh start, or at least to consider the possibility of new beginnings, and maybe even step away from the pressing events in the daily news. While combing the archive for clips to post in the next several weeks, I saw a
Year After Year
So many changes are predicted for 2025! With the holiday hustle, seasonal scheduling drift, and general uneasiness around social disharmony, it is easy to cast a wary eye at the new year. Calming comfort, however, can be found among the 50-year-old local news reports now being digitized and methodically uploaded to the NHF searchable database,
Humor in Maine
Robert Skoglund, known as The humble farmer, recently died, and many, including humorist Tim Sample, noted the loss with tributes and recollections. Clips of Skoglund, and other Maine entertainers, can be found in several of the NHF television collections. Here is a 1991 segment from the WCVB Chronicle collection. The interview with Skoglund is about
`Tis The Season
Snow removal is part of winter for those living year-round in New England. Many communities face the necessity head-on, while others take a more as-needed approach. This pair of clips from the WLBZ collection demonstrates the range of approaches: the July 1977 village meeting at Lucerne-in-Maine where a majority of residents are undecided about snow
Where The Heart Is
Colder days and nights call for a warm hearth, though, for some that is not easy to find, and being stranded in the cold may not be new for them. Recent stories posted on news outlets present the problems of the unhoused, and the current solutions. But an easy review of the durability of the
Preserving Community
WAGM-TV announced recently that it would no longer produce a local morning news show as it has done for many years. Among the collections that NHF is now digitizing and uploading to its public website, with the help of a grant from NEH, is WAGM-TV news. Here are a couple of the items now available,