Morocco, circa 1932--Dorothy Stebbins Bowles--home movies. Reel 5

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(Original reel out of order and splices backwards to forwards to backwards to forwards. Where splices were evident put together and tried to figure out original order. Original film left as is.) Child with a cart and two girls walk on the waterfront. Helenka Adamowski (Helenka Adamowska Pantaleoni) sitting on the deck of a boat talking with a man. Man on a donkey, People walking down a road in the desert. A woman (Dorothy) filing a man's (Chet) nails. Helenka lounging on the balcony with Dorothy. Men on donkeys in the market. Women dressed in haiks. Dorothy in Moroccan clothes. Children playing and dancing for camera. Helenka jumping under sign that reads “Atelier Mecanique A. Bastard” (French for mechanical workshop). Street scenes. Man with a snake. Small market. People walking down the street. Shepherd with goats. Dorothy on a bicycle. Chet on a bicycle. Dorothy and Helenka having drinks on lawn by hotel. Gardens and hotel. Dorothy and Helenka on balcony having breakfast. Chet on balcony reading paper. Helenka sitting on balcony ledge wearing a safari hat. View from balcony. CU of Chet. Woman on a horse. Children and other people walking through an arch. Pan of a crowd. Helenka with some children and having tea. Picnicking with Dorothy and Chet. (dark) Landscape – desert with palm trees and some walls. Dorothy and Helenka in white Moroccan hooded robes. Deck of a ship. Dorothy going into a cabin and dancing with Helenka. Chet and Helenka getting into a horse carriage. Chet tries to get a young boy to dance for the camera. Boy and Chet dance. Carriage driver. Street scenes from the carriage. Dorothy with a bike. Street scenes. Man and two boys playing a game with a ball. Helenka in carriage. Pan of palace? Helenka, Chet, and children. Archway. Children playing. Children and carriage driver. Pan of a reservoir. Dorothy walks and talks to child next to the reservoir.

2 Copies
