[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 036

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Can notes for Reel 36: Father's spring fishing trip. Rob Golding, Kitty Kimball, Kendall, JB Scott, Judge Corwin, Curtice, Old Man Warden, Uncle Roy and a couple of obliging mooses. NHF viewing notes: Silent, B&W. VS of men carrying gear outside of log cabin. Setting out in canoes. Two women display fishing catch. Pan of group of older people. Woman waves from dock, hoists herself into boat. Pilot pushes large boat off with pole. Men fishing from canoe, netting catch. Nice shot of man paddling with devoted black Labrador dog at his feet. Fishermen examining box of flies. Three older folks in meadow collecting leaves, admiring view, woman places feather in hair. Nice moving shots of lake from boat. Woman fishing from canoe. Campfire in wooded glade, cooking up fish.

4 Copies
