[Zelma Williams -- home movies] Reel 10

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1974 – 1976
#1 Zelma's '74-76'; 1974 C.B.I. Reel #1 Ending 76 Yellowstone
Various shots of buildings, trees and Halloween decorations. Houses along the water. A dog playing near the shore. Houses. A cat. A man reading on a couch. People seated indoors. A sign for the Matthews Museum at the Union Fairgrounds. (Union, Maine) People riding horses in an outdoor ring. Adults and children sitting in a parked car. A woman on horseback. The woman and a boy on horseback. Children playing on a parked car. People barrel racing. A man and a dog. Women on horseback. People sitting in a parked car. A horse tethered to a parked car. Barrel racing. A blue jay. People swimming in a hotel pool. Landscape and mountains filmed from a moving vehicle. Rock formations. Cars driving down a switch-back road. A man eating ice cream. People looking out of binoculars at an overlook. Mountains. A man holding a baby. People standing in the doorway of a hotel room. Landscape filmed from a moving vehicle. Sunset. A man standing next to a statue, only the foot of which can be seen. A sign for the ‘OUTLAW INN’ can be seen in the background. Sunset. Landscape filmed from a moving vehicle. Horses. Sign for the ‘GRASS OR SAND SPRINGS – AN OREGON TRAIL CAMPSITE’ A car parked on the side of the road. Horses on the other side of a fence. Mountains. A cave. People around a truck/RV parked on the side of the road. Mountains. (Grand Tetons) Sign: ‘WYOMING: THIS IS JACKSON HOLE’. A prairie dog. A lake surrounded by mountains. A river. [End of Reel]

2 Copies
