Hurricane Carol and Edna

Portland, Wells, Maine
This item may be available for reuse, please contact Northeast Historic Film for more information
circa 1954
Film has a Hurricane Carol and a Hurricand Edna section. Stretch of leader separates two sections. // Each section is [650 ft.] // Hurricane Carol section: Dupont film stock, no date code. // Date from year of the hurricanes. // Edge and perf damage needs repair. // Rain scenes. Titles and credits including animation of women representing Carol and Edna shimmying. Shows beginning of Carol in Connecticut. Movement on map to Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine. Broken trees, downed power lines. Cars. Indoor and outdoor debris. Cars driving near huge downed trees. Pier, boats. Ships tied on high water. Ship 'Fournet, Portland.' Highway 9. Cars. Housing. Cutting trees with chainsaw. Wells Beach. Boy with Irish Setter dog. Broken objects in water. Townspeople at water's edge. Boats. // Hurricane Edna section: Dupont film stock, no date code. // Map of New England with sketch of woman's face bobbing offshore. Pier, boats. Street scene including Civic Theatre, Capitol Theatre, Maine Theatre, Benoit's, gas station. CU of car clock. Water gushing off roadside, up drainhole. Flooded roads. Towtruck. Train station. Aerial view of flooded highways. Housing. Farm machine at work in field (Cutting ruined corn crop?) Adults and children observing flooded area. // Film ends abruptly.

6 Copies
