The Alamo is Opening Friday, July 2, 2021

The Alamo Theatre is Re-Opening on Friday, July 2, 2021. We will continue to follow the guidance of the Maine CDC and the Governor. If you aren’t fully vaccinated, we suggest you wear a face covering and will provide one if you don’t have one. (Being aware that you are vulnerable if you are eating.) We will be limiting the number of seats we are selling but not entire rows; just enough so you’re not packed in. It is up to you to spread out. The supplementary seats will be out to add more options for distancing. We won’t offer the flavor sprinkles for popcorn as they aren’t single serve. Our general cleaning practices have always been quite rigorous. The auditorium is being steam cleaned this week to start us off completely sanitized. We are suggesting that people who feel more vulnerable attend the second shows when available, as they are always less crowded.

Upstairs, we have decided to leave the inner office door locked. Researchers with appointments can enter but otherwise we will meet with you in the reception area by the Elm Street entrance.