[Charles S. Clark--home movies] Reel 16

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Can/reel notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 16. 'Camp at Aurora, Dad, Mr. Daw. Twilby, pets and Peggy. Mother's rosebush. Papa Rawley and George Foster, 1937-1938. Moosehead, July 4, 1939, Dad and George Baughman. (Moosehead, May 28, 1939, Arthur Chandler, Mitton Prenton, Dad, Ed Lovejoy and Reg and Guy at Herford Point.) Pauline and Reg at Moosehead, July 6, 1940. Charlie Hilbert, Ross Crockett, Dad and Reg and bunch at Moosehead July 9, 1940.' (UNEDITED) NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 16: Intertitles: '1938-40. (1) Camp at Aurora, Dad & Mr. Daw. (2) Twibly, Pets & Peggy. (3) Mother's rose bush. (4) Papa Rawley & George Foster. (5) Moosehead, Dad & George Baughman. 16:00. (6) Moosehead, Arthur Chandler. (7) Milton Prenton, Dad, Ed Lovejoy, Reg & Guy at Herford point. (8) Pauline & Reg at Moosehead. (9) Charlie Hilbert, Ross Crockett, Dad & Reg & bunch at Moosehead.' (This part of reel is tinted.) Two men walk down grounds in front of home. Dead deer on runningboard of car. Men examine deer. One points to deer. 17:00. Right tracking pan. of mountain side. Two men. One raises his hand to brow to shield eyes from light. Man smoking pipe, one hand in pocket. Men near car. Dead deer inverted on runningboard. Man smoking cigarette. Younger man in doorway of cabin. 18:01. Sky with clouds along horizon. Pan. sky tracks to right. Exterior of cabin. Shot of dog superimposed on cabin exterior. Dog sniffs. Rabbit in barbedwire pen. Rabbit chews cabbage leaf. Dog observes rabbit. 19:01. Various flowers in bloom in garden adjacent to home. Rose bush in bloom against trellis. Cat perched on window sill. CU cat yawning. Dog barks, wags tail. Man descends steps. 20:00. He stands by car. He talks while one foot is on runningboard and his hand grasps door handle. Hands on hips, he continues to talk. Young man in business suit joins him. Older man leans against porch railing. Car speeds down the street. Pan. of lake surface, mountain sides, clouds in sky, setting sun. Lake surface is mirror for aforescribed. 21:02. Impressive cinematography continues. Clouds of roseate sky. Setting sun illuminates lake surface. Silhouette of mountain side. Protective roofing raised on columns on lake shore. Wood stacked at left. Track shot protective roof. 22:04. Track shot side of boat, cabin cruiser. Lake surface, fishingrod extended from boat, trees along shoreline. Pan. track of the aforescribed. Waves of lake with boat on surface. Fishing rod extended from boat. 23:02. Evergreens along shoreline. Lake surface, mountain side. 'Catch' of five fish held aloft on stick. Man approaches his buddy who holds fish aloft. Buddy looks at 'catch', holds opposite end of stick. Pov. lake surface, fishing rod extended from boat. 24:01. Two men look out over lake while sitting in rowboat. Lake surface with canoe going across it. Evergreens of shoreline, sky. Shot is tilted. Normal photography returns. Man extends fishing line over lake. Mountain side with its trees, rocky terrain. Lake surface, mountain side on shoreline. Man combs hair. 25:00. Lake surface, mountain side. Setting sun reflected in lake surface, trees of shoreline, boats. Pan. of same. Normal condition or regular pan. of lake surface, shoreline evergreens. Man, passenger in rowboat. Man is smoking cigarette. Man smokes as he fishes with his rod. 26:02. Fishing gear, necessities in boat. Motorboat skims over lake. Misty pan. of lake, shore evergreens, mountain side. Man fishing reaches in shirt pocket. Lake surface. Man baits rod. Pan. mountain sides. Misty lake surface, mountain sides. 27:00. Grove birch trees. Two men appear with cups from which they drink. They talk. Drink toast. Man touches abdomen. Three men by car. One leans out of car window. There are four men. One smokes cigarette. 28:01. One man doubles fist in pretense of hitting buddy. Men fool, talk. Two men hold fish 'catch' aloft on stick. Men near lake. One has camera. One man shields face. Men working at pier. 29:00. More men join the others. Man holds worm aloft. Men at pier. They launch boat into water. They experience difficulty getting off of pier. They flip boat on side. Lake with two boats on it. Man, woman in rowboat. 30:03. Man paddles forward. Woman holds two fish aloft. Woman, man disembark. They step on wooden beam. Track shot lake surface in motion. Fish is swimming. Fish struggles on end of hook. 31:00. Tranquil lake surface. People in boat. The two men wave. Boat drifts down lake. Fishing rod extended from boat near shore visible in foreground. Woman watches boat from shore. This boat is cabin cruiser. Man fishes from rowboat. Shot extended rod. Man now uses fishnet. 32:01. Net is full of fish. Dots of light aglow on lake surface. Horizon, misty sun. Lake surface with sunlit ripple. Sun, lake, evergreens, mountain sides. Row or motorboat drifts on lake. Three men with fishing rods, equipment. Man playfully removes buddy's hat. 33:00. CU man wearing glasses. Group men holding aloft a sizeable fish 'catch'. Fish on long pole. Man pokes buddy. Buddy points. The group smiles. Shot of entire 'Catch'. 'Catch' resting on ramp. Man holds aloft several fish on string. He points, takes a bow. 34:03. He smokes ciagarette.

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